Convincing financial actors to support your project
Every project requires a financial contribution, which is why it is necessary to ensure the financial viability of your project and the strategy to be implemented. The business plan is therefore a key stage in the process of setting up a business, the starting point for the investment strategy and the guarantee of the structure’s development.

The importance of a business plan for the success of your project
The Business Plan proposes a financial projection over 3 years and validates the structure’s business model, by grouping together the potential expenses and income, thus creating a real simulation of the structure’s financial statements.
The business plan is divided into 4 parts :
- Business model : carried out after the market study, this first part makes it possible to demonstrate the interest of the project by specifying its comparative advantages and its relevance, the objective being to highlight the strong points of the project
- Strategic analysis divided into two phases:
An external analysis describing the macro-economic environment of the market in which the project is located
An internal analysis to determine the keys to the project’s success
- Operating resources : this enables the feasibility of the project to be studied in terms of human and material resources, and therefore enables the project launch strategy and associated costs to be refined
- Financial analysis : this includes an analysis of the key figures for the activity (capital invested, own funds, etc.) as well as the various financial perspectives, thus enabling the financial viability of the project to be estimated
The assurance of financial expertise.
Business plans are services that we regularly provide at ESCadrille, particularly in addition to a market study, in order to offer our clients complete support and a 360° vision of their project to help them launch their business..
« ESCadrille was able to carry out a complex business plan, relying on the expertise of TBS Education students in the Higher Diploma of General Accounting (DSCG) to validate a strategic project. »
Jean-André VERRANI, Thalès